Wiring instructions link here :
Pamco-Imaging APP fails to connect to turntable.
- close APP on Android device
- Unplug power to turntable
- wait 4 seconds
- plug turntable back in
- On android device, gotosettings, bluetooth and see iif “PAMCO TT” is present.
- Even if “Pamco TT” is not present in bluetooth settings, close settings.
- Instsall “BLE Scanner” from Google pLay store.
- Open Scanner and connect to “Pamco TT”
- Then, disconnect “BLE Scanner” from “Pamco TT”
- Close “BLE Scanner”
- Now try the Pamco-Imaging APP
- Email [email protected] if still having connection issues.
DIP switch inside enclosure.
2.8amps 1/16th step size
1 up ( off )
2 up ( off )
3 down ( on )
4 up ( off )
5 down (off )
6 down ( on )