Run this .apk file to install APP on an Android device.

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Android APP FAQs

FAQ for Android APP 

/ APP is installed but fails to open or closes right after opening.

/ press and hold APP icon till “APP info” pops up , click on “APP info”

/ your in APP settings now, should look like this , some tablets or phones may display slightly differently.

NOTE: The screen shots in the FAQ are from different devices to show examples. Your device may be set to dark viewing while other are light in color. However the steps are generally the same from one Android device manufacture to the next, be it a tablet or phone.

/ click on “permissions” and turn OFF “Remove permissions if app isn’t used”

On some phones or tablets you may also have “Nearby devices” , click ALLOW on that as well.

Then goto storage and cache and clear those.

Now, when you open the APP it should ask for permission to use the device location.

Select “while using the APP”

The PAMCO-IMAGING turntable APP does not use your location, but the Android OS requires the user to allow location anytime bluetooth is used.

Any questions at all please email,

[email protected]